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Sheila E

It's a beeeeutiful colorway Lisa Mae.....and just like YOU to create something so special and so wonderful in a time of stress and questioning. Bless you for your kind...Cancerian....heart!! It's a BIG one, don't know how it manages to stay in that body of yours.
I love you lady!!


One question: How do I get some? (No internet payment abilities, are there any other ways for me to acquire?)


Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! To think you've created something that will actually cause me to wear pink. Gasp!!


Lisa S

Awww, Pink can be the new Black. Every Goth Girl can wear it. I wanna see that fire eater wear some Pink Ribbon socks for the cause. Hey, the pink is way down there on your feet...unless of course you want to make a lavish scarf from one of Brenda's collection. Faaaaaaaaaabulous. :o)


Has anyone told you that you are the best? Not just with color, but as a person.



The least I could do. I can't wait to play with it. Thank you for doing that, Lisa. And to Miss Violet, my very best wishes on both the health and the bills. There's a place I have lived through myself where hope is a life-sustaining and affirming and very real essence, and we're all here together holding you in our hope.

For the Kims, I had a friend go through a very similar situation 15 years ago: the sudden death of her husband after their car broke down coming home from Thanksgiving, when he went for help, leaving her in the car with their two small boys. All I can say is that every one of her friends new and old (they had just moved) loves her and her boys with an intensity and support beyond description--and that that has never gone away nor diminished. One thing we her old friends did, was, we videotaped each of us speaking to the camera of our memories of their dad, the kindnesses done, the little and big good deeds that he did, so that they would know who he was and what he meant to us--and what they do.

It felt like one of the more important things I've ever done.


You totally rock Lisa. Really.


Oh, what a wonderful thing to do Ms. Lisa! This color is just one of your best efforts!

Krista McCurdy

I just placed an order for Miss v's yarn. Even though I have insurance, about a year and a half ago I was in the emergency room and over night for some pretty serious stuff, and when I was released, totally overwhelmed, upset, and freaked out, I was handed my huge bill and asked how I wanted to pay. I had NO money. My best friend paid it for me, but I totally understand how insurance can suck, even if you have it.


Oh, Lisa...from someone who sees too many people on the raw end of our system, my heartfelt thanks. I know this will help on so many levels. You have the heart of an angel.


That is truly beautiful (but do you ever create anything that isn't?) and so awesome. I'm hunting for the credit card now. Please save me a skein!


What a wonderful thing to do!

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